sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

Animal farm speach


Hello and welcome animals! Everyone had noticed in this last month all the horrible things that had occurred here in this farm, unacceptable “incidents” that should had never happened, less in our animal farm. Brother and sisters of this farm, we can solve this problem, and I think we all know what or better said who is the head behind this master plan, the root of the troubles and is “Pigs”. It would be hard to win this battle but not impossible, sating together, with conviction and strength we will exile the evil pigs forever and ever.

Pigs had been stilling our food and saving it for their own benefits, we are starving here! Ps have killed all the chickens because they refused to sell their eggs, can you believe that? Also Pigs have exile our loved boxer and probably killed him too. When animals started the revolution against humans, pigs made promises of prosperity and happiness, they created beautiful laws, laws they modified by now without asking anybody. If this continues like now we will go all the way back to the start. Every day pigs are becoming more humans, they stand like them, they talk like them also they dress like humans!

Do you want that pigs continue with their empire? There is only one solution to this problem, only one that will ensure the victory and glory and is revolution, get up! We are bigger in number than pigs, we have to rise from ashes like the phoenix, and we will do it once twice all the necessary times to finally lead our farm by us. Grab your weapons animals, tonight we face the evil pigs and we will do whatever is necessary to exile them for once and all.

So animals of the farm, you know what to do now, I gave you the tool, now you built your Kingdome. I’ll be with you in this fight but I need you to be there with me and fight pigs back. We will take the power back of this farm. I swear in the name of Snowball, Boxer and all our death fellows that we will win this battle and use the power of the farm for  the benefit of every single one of us!

(words: 378)

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