The kite runner is about two kids, the rich boy called Amir and the servant called Hassan. This two kids are friends. Hassan and his father Ali seem forced to leave the house of Baba (the father of Amir) time before the Russian invaded Afghanistan. When Russia started the invasion Baba and Amir left Kabul and went to live in California U.S.A.
The connection between my task and the novel is that the letter is written by amir when they were living in America, after Amir graduated from school, this letter was never written. If this letter were written would be situated between chapter eleven and twelve.
My goal is to let everybody know that people can change, just like Amir did. I'm trying to tell to everyone that in the time Amir was living in America he suffer an enormous change in his personality, now he does not fear of talking to his old friend Hassan.
I would try to reach my goal by writing a letter to Hassan by Amir, explaining everything that is happening to him in America, the condition of Baba, the girl he met called Soraya and his plans to marry her and have a life together. This literary work would be a letter, it is informal because its supposed that Amir and Hassan were friends and they could still being friends after everything they lived in Afghanistan, the audience in this case is Hassan because it is a letter directed to him.
St, nº 8, Solaikat St, Hazarajat, Afghanistan
1982, March 3th
Dear Hassan,
I know we haven't talked in a while, that is probably the main reason of why I’m writing this letter to you, I hope you can read this by now, or ask Ali to help you out. Here life has been hard, California is nice, but Baba has to work hard every day for us to eat and sleep under a roof in a warm bed, covered from the cold winter. In summer everything is different, people is out in the street, walking their dogs, playing under the sun, living happy and with no worries
Baba is working in a gas station, or he was, before he got sick. It all started with a cold and a cough, then it got worse, he coughed blood once, and then I took him to the doctor. He started a scandal because the doctor Schneider was born in Russia, he lost it and pushed him back. Baba refused to take the treatment with him, so we had to look for another doctor. This one was Dr. Amani, an Iranian, Baba approved this time. After some long weeks the results of the exam were ready. They were not good, not good at all. Oat cell carcinoma advanced was detected, a type of Cancer with no cure, he would probably die soon. Baba didn't want to take chemotherapy, anyways, the chemotherapy would only prolong the outcome, Baba would die anyway, either today or in a month, it could happen anytime, he looks terrible and is not going to work, he can't even woke up from bed. I called that time "The time of many firsts" it was the first time I heard Baba moaning in the bathroom, the first time I found blood on his pillow and the first time he called sick at work.
You know, not everything are sad stories, there are also good things going on here in America, I met a girl, she is the daugther of a Pashtun, her name is Soraya. After I met Soraya Taheri, every day of the week become Yelda for me. She has big brown eyes and her face is always in my mind. I’m waiting till I have the courage to go and talk to her, maybe I will give her one of my stories, she likes reading.
My friend, I can’t wait for the moment when we will be together again, so I could read all my stories to you as when we were childrens under that tree in Kabul. I hope that when that day comes me and Soraya Jan will be married, living here or in Afghanistan. Would you come to live with me if we go to Afghanistan? It is so sad that we had to separate too soon.
With this letter is also attached my favorite story written by me, it is a gift to you for all the years of friendship. I promise I will go for you to Hazarajat, and just if you want to we would have a life together as when we were kids.
Take care, your friend Amir.
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